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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Flat plans and evaluations

For my mast head I have decided to use block, bold, font so it stands out and grabs the readers attention and this is helped by the fact it is central at the top of the page.I have used white text to stand out against the black background of the text which again stands out in comparison to the white background of the full page. 

I have used a skyline at the top of the page, it is a red banner i with black text, continuing the basic black and white scheme and adding the main colour red.After research I found this is a good technique to use in to producing recognisable continuity throughout a popular magazine of this genre, therefore i will imitate this style. The sky line lexis will be short and snappy to make it fast for the reader. The skyline is an achievement of the magazine providing to the audience how good it is. 

my main image on my flat plans shows a full length shot however after doing more additional research i have decided i want to do a medium close up. The eye line will either be direct to draw the reader in or the image will be taken from an angle from a side ways view to make it look slightly more private and intrigue the audience. The eye line will be in the upper third making the model have dominance and power.  I am going to use a female model making it attractive to males and females, by ensuring i have an attractive model on the front of the cover it will appeal to more people making them want to but the magazine.I will concentrate on the eye make up as because it will be a medium close up they will be very noticeable especially  due to the fact i want the models eyes to connect with the reader. Her lips will also be a main focus of the image adding to the sexual appeal by using red lip stick. This will be complemented by some form of red in her outfit, if her hand is in the shot i will also use red nail varnish. the costume and makeup colours will add to the house style them which will continuously run through out. My sell lines are going to appear round the main image on the edges of the page, they will be in red and black continuing the colour theme, the sizes will also be different due to importance and relevance of the information, for example the figures that appear on the cover- e.g: top '10' will be larger cause after doing research i realised numbers are used as a shocking important attention grabbing feature. Next to the mast head there will be a bar code, date and issue number placed neatly in line next to it to maintain the professional look.

I have kept the background of my magazine plain the same as my front cover, I have also carried through the same colour scheme of red black and white. After research proved at the top of most contents pages they have the word 'contents' i have continued this theme with the word contents been placed at the top of the page in the same font as my masthead on the front cover. I have separated the the contents of my magazine having all the sell lines front the front cover placed around the contents page as images with tag lines under.This is because it is likely it has been these sell lines which has interested the reader to read the magazine in the first place as it is those stories they are intrigued by. Then at the side of the page i will include the rest of the articles, despite not having this is my flat plan one change i have already decided i want to change is i want the rest of the articles to still be sub headed making it easier for the readers to find what they want; page numbers will also be along side the article titles on the contents. The page numbers will red  or black depending on the text they are next to however i will decide on the colour to make sure they standout to make it easier for the reader. There will be three images placed down the right hand side of my magazine they will be framed and tilted to make them more eye catching. I will also be adding other extra features to my contents including an index of bands and artists who will be featuring in the magazine and a subscription to help fill in some of the blank space.
e have made a column on the left hand side of my magazine. In the centre of the page at the magazine there will be an offer promoting HMV this will be large and iwll be the black logo with the pink text on it which is commonly recogniable to the type of audience the magazine is aimed at.

This is a flat plan for my double page spread,here is a main image of my artist large in the center on the on the left page the image will be feminine to match the target audience of my magazine.  It will aslo include a caption under neath the image like wise will all the other images on teh double page spread. The title of my magazine will be in large letters and the colours red however this time in a different font to tthe masthead an content of  is the magazine : despiet not shwoing this on my flat plan i will be changing the texts to something which appears slightly softer. My article will be a question an answer session to make the magazine professional and so the reader knows what the artist is talking about. The colours of the font will be black with read quotes making them stand out, the black text will be a clear read against the white background of the page. I will keep the same font  of all the articles throughout my magazine to keep it simple and less confussining for the reader. The quotes will be used to capture the reader attention as they will eb short and shocking or be only part of a sentense whcih infer but doesnt make entier sense departed from the sentence-this will encourage the reader to want to read the article and see what the full article is about. On the right page there will be several smaller collums breaking up the article making it seem an easier read. It will be broken up by smaller images and quotes from the article.

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