Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Primary audience research

As part of my primary audience research i asked several questions to a variety of people, some of which have videoed there responses.
The questions i asked are the following:
1.who do you think the target audience is and why?
2.what genre is the music magazine and why?
3.what artists/bands would fit well into this product?
4.do you think the photo captures enough attention,shoould the text along side the photo improve in anyway?
5.what good magazine features would fit well into this genre.
6.how could the contents pages and double page spread be improved?
7.what is the first thing that your attention is drawn too?
8.what features of the cover do you particually like?
9.how could the DPS be improved (layout)?

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