I like the lay out of this front cover and the main image is very eye catching however this is other selling lines round it, despite there being quit aslot of seeling lines it does not look trashy or cheap and i like the way there is only one image to focus on. By using the tree colours it looks stylish and smart and not like a humbles mess of loads of different coloured text just been thrown in.

This contents is appealing because even though there is a lot of information on the page it is neatly set out in order to make it easy for the buyer to know exactly what they want with out spending a lot of time searching. I like the fact there are a few small images on the contents to catch ,more of you attention considering there is only one main image on the front. The colours are kept very neutral likewise to the front cover, this makes it obvious the contents and front cover are from the same magazine.

This magazine cover is very basic however if its what the reader is interested in then it does look appealing. Having the one main colour: pink, stand out is eye catching and it looks good against the black and white back ground. The page is not cluttered with sub stories and seeling points which makes it very obvious what the magazine is going to be about.
Similarly to the 'vogue' contents it is well set out and continues the house style colours the contents is shoen well and the page number are clearly stated next to the headings. Th e contents title ; 'Contents' is in the same font and style as the front cover title. By showing a few more images it tempts the reader slightly more to want to read about it.
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