Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
Flat Plan Rationale
My housestyle colours are red and orange with neautral/black and white based backgrounds. I have chosen to work around neautal and black and white based colours as then the overall magazine looks appearling to male and female audience which is the prime target audience. The reason i have chosen red and orange is because they are particulaly associated with only one gender, i also feel these colours appeal to both male and female. In addition to the balck and white/netural background colours the red and orange stands out, consequently all my impotant text : title, mian story line and sub selling lines stand out.
I have organised my page layout in a particullay common magazine cover style, the main image is a medium close and it is posisioned in the center of the page making it the main focus point. Under neath the main image i have my main sell line story in large font in comparison to the other seel lines. This is not directly under the image its starts off to the right hand side of the image and the continues underneath, this is because people read from the right hand side so i assumed that as it starts from the edge of the right hand side it will ensure to be the first and mian thing the audience reads. My mass head is posisioned on a slant upwards to make it look less formal and add abit of different text posisioning as all the rest is in straight lines. My banner is at the very top of my page and is centraly posisioned without been too close to any other text so it is a noticable selling point. Also at the top of my page near the title there is a special offer, it is posisoned near the title with the assumsion people notice the title first they will then notice the offer next to it. The sell line i have selected are of a wide varity to appeal to my genre: they varify from 'fashion', to 'stundent nights out' so ther is hopefully something appealing to everyone. The sell lines should relate to my target audience because they are all about stundents, student dicounts and things going on in student life.
The contents page title is in the same font style,colour and positioning to make it ovbious it is from the same magazine as the house style continues throughout the magazine. My contents page has several images on it made to look as if the have been printed out of an instant digital camera and all just randomly stuck onto the page. These images are related to the sell lines on the front cover and the pages they are allocated on are also showen under the image so that if people are most intrested in these stories they can find there page quickly. The main story is the largest of the images of them all with in the contents page, underneath the images i have the rest of my conents showen clearly in plain back font however i want it too look like it has been written in a excersie book. All of the page numbers are next to the text for the audience to know eacually what pages they will find the information they want.
I have organised my page layout in a particullay common magazine cover style, the main image is a medium close and it is posisioned in the center of the page making it the main focus point. Under neath the main image i have my main sell line story in large font in comparison to the other seel lines. This is not directly under the image its starts off to the right hand side of the image and the continues underneath, this is because people read from the right hand side so i assumed that as it starts from the edge of the right hand side it will ensure to be the first and mian thing the audience reads. My mass head is posisioned on a slant upwards to make it look less formal and add abit of different text posisioning as all the rest is in straight lines. My banner is at the very top of my page and is centraly posisioned without been too close to any other text so it is a noticable selling point. Also at the top of my page near the title there is a special offer, it is posisoned near the title with the assumsion people notice the title first they will then notice the offer next to it. The sell line i have selected are of a wide varity to appeal to my genre: they varify from 'fashion', to 'stundent nights out' so ther is hopefully something appealing to everyone. The sell lines should relate to my target audience because they are all about stundents, student dicounts and things going on in student life.
The contents page title is in the same font style,colour and positioning to make it ovbious it is from the same magazine as the house style continues throughout the magazine. My contents page has several images on it made to look as if the have been printed out of an instant digital camera and all just randomly stuck onto the page. These images are related to the sell lines on the front cover and the pages they are allocated on are also showen under the image so that if people are most intrested in these stories they can find there page quickly. The main story is the largest of the images of them all with in the contents page, underneath the images i have the rest of my conents showen clearly in plain back font however i want it too look like it has been written in a excersie book. All of the page numbers are next to the text for the audience to know eacually what pages they will find the information they want.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Insperation Texts

Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Brief; print
Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP.
Main task the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
A minimum of 4 images must be used.All images and graphics muct be produced by the candidate.
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