There are 6 weeks until the Easter break which means - 6 weeks of lesson time to complete my foundation portfolio.
There are 60 marks available for construction and 20 marks for Research and Planning and 20 marks for evaluation - 100 marks in total
To achieve a grade:
A I need to get 80 marks
B I need to get 70 marks
C I need to get 60 marks
To be in level 4 (grade A/B) my work must demonstrate excellence throughout.
By Monday 5th March I should have a rough cut of my products
By Monday 19th March my products should be completed
From Monday 19th - Friday 30th March I will be working on my 7 evaluation questions.
The my completed portfolio should be submitted for formal marking on Monday 16th April. I should use the Easter break to make any minor amendments to my work.
In order to meet these deadlines I will:
Attend all lessons to make the most out of the time with help from the teachers and other stundents.
Ensure my models know when and where the photo shoots are happening.
I will make sure i have set times booked to make sure I have as much time in the studio as i need.
Make my photo shoot my priority to get the pictures taken then edited and added into my magazine.
I will redraft my work to keep improving it when learning new skills, seeing other peoples work, self assesment my work and also getting peer feedback. By redrafting my work and making ruff cuts this should help ensure my level 4: B-A grade.
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Friday, 10 February 2012
These images have inspired me for ideas for my magazine. The woman with the red lipstick not only confirmed my want for my front cover model to have red lipstick on but it also inspired my colour theme which will continue through the whole magazine.i think the one main colour-red works really well against the black white and gray image.
The next image of the bright colours is symbol of using bright colour in my magazine but it also represents the way each strong individual colour which is totally different to the one next to it still all works well together. This symbolizes the different genres in my magazine. The two images with the wall background has made me decided on one of my location shots where the photo will be taken with a model against a wall.The group image against the wall also got me thinking about potential props-music player.The image of the headphone is also another prop idea which i may conclude in one of my photo shots.
The colour lips is a idea of make up, i like the idea of using coloured lipstick. All the different colours are also make up ideas, not just for lips but for eye make up too.
Both images of the males are to do with their body positioning and pose. I also like the background and location on the one near the graffiti wall against the mesh
The next image of the bright colours is symbol of using bright colour in my magazine but it also represents the way each strong individual colour which is totally different to the one next to it still all works well together. This symbolizes the different genres in my magazine. The two images with the wall background has made me decided on one of my location shots where the photo will be taken with a model against a wall.The group image against the wall also got me thinking about potential props-music player.The image of the headphone is also another prop idea which i may conclude in one of my photo shots.
The colour lips is a idea of make up, i like the idea of using coloured lipstick. All the different colours are also make up ideas, not just for lips but for eye make up too.
Both images of the males are to do with their body positioning and pose. I also like the background and location on the one near the graffiti wall against the mesh
Model release forms
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Studio lighting and camera set up
This is a basic box diagram of the studio set up, the main subject-model will be in the centre against the back drop with the key light and fill light coming in from either side with the camera in the centre of them.
Location recce
Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment.
The two forms below are my Hazard Evaluation forms my photography location Recce.
The main issues with shooting in the studio is the fact is is a relatively small space so if people are claustrophobic this could be an issue. Also i if there is a large group shot the size may be a problem. Other issues are to the equipment that will be used:lights and camera and the cables that will be in the area. Tripping over a loose wire could be a problem however it is easily solved by people being careful watching where they are going ans taping cables to the ground if necessary.
Risk Asesment and Hazard Evaluation
For some of my photography I would like to do it against or on a brick wall for either the double page spread or contents page. This will create more of an effect in the image and make it look better overall instead of taking all shoots in the studio
These steps are in the arts centre of darlington and will be used in one of teh photographs on the contents page. The hazard assesment form highlights the main risk bene the high of the steps if someone should accidently fall. Fortunatly this is very unlikely, the steps are in alocation where other people may be passing and using the steps therfore if this does occur we will ahve to wait to the public gets incase this causes any accidents:the location should be relatively safe otehrwise.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Make up ideas
For my model's make up, I have researched types of make up female music artists tend to wear during a photo shoot, but also the makeup they wear when performing. I concluded that the make up does depend on the genre of artist they are,however, bright contrasting eye shadow is popular, which reflects a vibrant and young appearance of the model. In contrast, dark smokey eyes is also very effective and commonly used, it draws more attention to the artists eyes making the audience feel they have more of a connection with the artists. It can also create a dark and mysterious effect or just make the eye look larger and emphasised depending on hoe the makeup is not applied. Skin make up varies from foundation of all the same tone, in different colours depending on their own natural skin colour and type, so dark skin to tanned skin to very pale. However, blusher and bronzer is ofter used to highlight features on their face mainly to define cheek bones. Lip stick is commonly used on most photo shoots unless the image in attempting to create a natural look in which case no lipstick is used so attention isn't draw to the lips however a light gloss may be applied to make the lips look more plump and appearing. On the other hand, when lipstick is used it is very noticeable and draws immediate attention to the lips.Bright colours like red and pink is mainly used to create a sexual appearing look to the audience.
The smokey eye effect which is created in the photograph is used to make the eye look bigger and embrace the colour of the eye. It has been made to looker bigger by using a white eye shadow under the darker colours and it has been applied at the top of the eye lid and around the edge of the bottom making the eye appear wider as it comes from the inner corner of the eye.The black eye liner outlines the shape of the eye and encourages deep focus to the centre of the eye.The colour then slightly lightens as it fades out again to appear as if the eye is wider, in addition to the shading the colour blue has been added to embarse the inner colour of the eye around the pupil.
This eye is an example of the mainly all black dark eye makeup and it just uses shading to create the change of colour, a small amount of white eye shadow had been used in addition to the one main colour of black. This eye make up is simple yet effective and could be used on a number of different artist genres.
If the purpose of my image was to represent a personality of which was bright and bubble, fun and out going eye makeup like this would be very godo to use, it would also be good for pop artists or indie as it is unusual and a mainstream style of make up.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Saturday, 4 February 2012
Article Plan
Article Planning
Main Focus of your article: Why a duet split and one girl went her own way leaving the so called best friend and band mate behind.
Style of your article: Question answer interview
Comments | |
Purpose of your article (entertain, inform) | The purpose of my article will be mainly to inform reader and fans why one half of the pair left the other behind in their music career. It will be an integrative interview containing a lot of spontaneous talk and language; however, some of the questions will be scripted. Despite it been informal, the article will be entraining and personal too. |
Narrative voice (1st, 2nd or 3rd person) | The narrative voice will be in first person when the artist is answering the questions. The questions will be asked in 2nd person using pronouns such as you and your. |
Style (informal/formal) | The style will be very informal to create a relaxed read for the audience and show the easy going personality of the artist, it will also seem more realist being informal. Due to the answers being spontaneous there will be non verbal utterances such as ‘ermm’ and ‘umm’ while the artists takes a moment often when thinking before answering: all of this features will be added in again to create the realism which is actually occurring. |
Language Use (colloquial,dialect, subject specific etc.) | The use of colloquial language and ellipsis will her help the audience feel more involved in the interview as if they were there. The semantic field of the interview will include a lot of personal emotions and music related talk eg gigs tours etc. |
Friday, 3 February 2012
Article Planning
My article is going to be about a band/artist who made it big via youtube. They will have started out singing for fun in the comfort of their own homes and posting their music on youtube, this will progress and develop into a much more serious hobby which later develops into a job. The artist will start off indie however because their music has become such a success they have became mainstream and are now topping the charts with their music.
The article will be an interview.
I will be using the first and second narrative voice due to it being an interview. However i will include a paragraph at the beginning which may be in 3rd person-the voice of god. This paragraph will briefly tell you who and what the article is about, there is the potential opportunity to include a horrid/shocking line to engage the audience and make them more interested.
The interview will be informal to make the reader feel as if they are getting an insight to the artists/bands personality, it will also feel more relaxed and make it an easier read for the audience. informal language will be used, if i want to create and accent for the artists/band i will use colloquial language. Along side this there will be a lot of non standard English and verbal utterances like 'ermm' to get a sense of spontaneous talk so the interview doesn't looked to scripted on the artist/bands behalf as this may make the reader feel less interested as it wont be as realistic.
Words related to the music will be included in the interview, often inn the questions as it will be asking about performances gigs, target audience, festivals, experiences and how they actually made it big. This will create a semantic field of music industry however the filed of lexis used will also include a lot of emotions and intrinsic feelings as the band/artists will be expressing themselves.
My beginning will most likely be a summary allowing the audience to know what the interview is about, it will briefly explain who it is iun the interview and the purpose of it.
There will be certain lines in my opening paragraph which will exaggerate things and make them sounds very intense, exciting and interesting. The aim of this will be to give the reader some information about the interview however not enough to stop them wanting to read the rest. It will persuade them to read on as they will want to know more.
I will try and used a few luxury adjectives in my opening paragraph to make the interview sounds exclusive, i also may include alliteration to catch the attention.
Extras on the page
The first letter of the opening paragraph will be in a much larger font making it stand out from the page and noticeable, it will possibly be in a different colour too. The graphology -way things looks on the page will have a few highlighted bits that stand out. for example the questions will be in bold making them stand out and noticeable without them getting confused with the answers. Quotes will be used and will be in speech marks in a larger font and different making them standout in comparison to the rest of the text. The purpose of this is so if the reader just has a quick glance at the article these lines will stand out and interest the reader making them curious to what the article is fully about.
I will include a banner at the top of the page with information about new albums etc. I will also include tour dates at the bottom and possibly a promotion linked on of their gigs, albums etc.
My article is going to be about a band/artist who made it big via youtube. They will have started out singing for fun in the comfort of their own homes and posting their music on youtube, this will progress and develop into a much more serious hobby which later develops into a job. The artist will start off indie however because their music has become such a success they have became mainstream and are now topping the charts with their music.
The article will be an interview.
I will be using the first and second narrative voice due to it being an interview. However i will include a paragraph at the beginning which may be in 3rd person-the voice of god. This paragraph will briefly tell you who and what the article is about, there is the potential opportunity to include a horrid/shocking line to engage the audience and make them more interested.
The interview will be informal to make the reader feel as if they are getting an insight to the artists/bands personality, it will also feel more relaxed and make it an easier read for the audience. informal language will be used, if i want to create and accent for the artists/band i will use colloquial language. Along side this there will be a lot of non standard English and verbal utterances like 'ermm' to get a sense of spontaneous talk so the interview doesn't looked to scripted on the artist/bands behalf as this may make the reader feel less interested as it wont be as realistic.
Words related to the music will be included in the interview, often inn the questions as it will be asking about performances gigs, target audience, festivals, experiences and how they actually made it big. This will create a semantic field of music industry however the filed of lexis used will also include a lot of emotions and intrinsic feelings as the band/artists will be expressing themselves.
My beginning will most likely be a summary allowing the audience to know what the interview is about, it will briefly explain who it is iun the interview and the purpose of it.
There will be certain lines in my opening paragraph which will exaggerate things and make them sounds very intense, exciting and interesting. The aim of this will be to give the reader some information about the interview however not enough to stop them wanting to read the rest. It will persuade them to read on as they will want to know more.
I will try and used a few luxury adjectives in my opening paragraph to make the interview sounds exclusive, i also may include alliteration to catch the attention.
Extras on the page
The first letter of the opening paragraph will be in a much larger font making it stand out from the page and noticeable, it will possibly be in a different colour too. The graphology -way things looks on the page will have a few highlighted bits that stand out. for example the questions will be in bold making them stand out and noticeable without them getting confused with the answers. Quotes will be used and will be in speech marks in a larger font and different making them standout in comparison to the rest of the text. The purpose of this is so if the reader just has a quick glance at the article these lines will stand out and interest the reader making them curious to what the article is fully about.
I will include a banner at the top of the page with information about new albums etc. I will also include tour dates at the bottom and possibly a promotion linked on of their gigs, albums etc.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Image analysis influenced ideas
After analysing two other music images of different genres: one indie and one chart music, it has give me some ideas to include in my images. The camera work-angle positioning, framing and distance is very important depending on what type of impression i want to create. The mid length distant shots allow the audience to get a wider pictures of the fail expression, fashion and expression, this is a possible way to encourage the audience to be more interested in the magazine by focusing and getting a lot of information from the image. If i have the camera on a slight title, low angle it will create a dominate effect for my model; this will be particular good to suggest the artist/band is aspirational and looked up on. This effect could also be created by the lighting on and around the artist/band and this will debate the mood the producers is trying to create for the model and get it across to the audience. If i want to create a more mainstream appearance image in my image i will use bright bold colours in the costume props and possible the background to create a confident bold look.
Image analysis composition
This image main focus is the word love wrote on his hand which appears in all four images. The 4 images represent his mixtures of feelings and emotions about love. with it being separate images in blocks the audiences readers from left to right, top to bottom, therefore the first image is the one of the man with his hand covering his eyes. love on his hand which is covering his eyes may suggest his is blinded by love, or cannot face it. When someone hides there face it is usually because they are scared or because they want to hide away from something and not face reality, in this case its seem reality is love. The L on love is in the centre of the image making it the main focus as the shading begins to darken towards the end of the end of the word, this may imply he cant face fully loving someone/thing.
The next image shows more of his face however still the audience sees now eye contact however do see more of the eyes. One eye is more visible than the other suggesting he is maybe oping up a bit more to love. The left hand side is much darker than the right because of his dark costume and body positioning hiding his face.The right hand side of him is more lighter suggesting things are getting brighter for him , possible to do with this confusion on love. There is a brighter light behind him slightly highlighting him making him stand out. The positioning of his hand to his head and his head down hows he is confused or possible upset about something.The top of the hand has light shining down on it drawing focus to it and making the love much more visible. The black writing stands out on his white hand, this could suggest his open views and race and how he may link/ sing about all races and ethnicity.
The next image totally cuts out his eyes allowing the audiences to have no contact with him at all and not be able to attach themselves with him. His knuckles again have a brighter light shinning on them drawing the attention to them, also the fact they are in slightly left of the centre third causes them to be the first thing the audience looks at. However, the lighting changes at the fist of the hand where love is actually written again possibly meaning it is still a dark shady area in his life. however, he has opened up to love now allowing the audience to see the full word at a straight face on view. His clenched fist could suggest a number of things in relation to his music, emotion and feelings to wards love and life. it could imply anger and aggression, on the other hand because his arm is in an upwards position it make a symbol of success and defeat. In this image we do get a clearer image of the facial features which we can see-his mouth.his facial expressions is quit straight however the lines around his mouth may be due to a slight smile possibly about to occur. the final image shows none of his face at all suggesting his head is no longer in the frame of love however just his heart. His hand positioning and camera shot from the left hand side with his body slightly turned to the right implies he is backing away from love as its now hit is heart . The hand is the largest part of the image and takes up the most screen space drawing in all the attention. Once again the love is not completely shown as it doesn't show all of the final letter.
His style of the jacket and scarf suggests quite a fashionable but basic look which might reflect on his music-relaxed and easy listening. His styles hair shows he takes acre of his appearance maybe inferring his is a bit of a ladies man and this is why the love confusion is taking place. The costume, body language,lighting and main focus on Love might mirror what his lyrics contain. His body language doesn't make him appear very confident however his stylish appearance and care for how he looks shows suggests he does like to be out there and viewed by people. i think the lyrics will be quite deep and dark expressing a lot of personal emotion about love, fear and confusion. it is rare a male openly expresses there emotions as obvious as this image has this might prove his individuality and this reflects on his genre of music.
This image i a natural multiple person shot centralising the male character who's body language and facial expressions suggest he is happy to be surrounded by these four girls. The costumes of the girls make them look more like girls and not ladies, they still look like they are in their teens and have their own casual styles and appearances. The coloured costumes and confident happy look on the girls faces suggest they are confident bold and out there as if they are happy for the attention by the man. It is the mans eye line which is the highest and because he is central the immediate first focus is on him The girls eye lines are all around the same height in the centre third making none of them have more importance due to this factor. However, the blond one on the right hand side at the end does grab the audiences attention more despite been on the opposing dominate side of the image. This is because she is positioned slightly more forward due to the angle of the camera shot as it seems to be taking more from a right angle. Each girl has different costume on and it gives the audience and idea of there individuality and personal taste despite all been one unit. The personal appearance and slightly different looks which each character brings represents the slightly different twist they add to the music genre. Despite this there bold bright confident colours suggest they are mainstream and this is reflected by their clothes. In general the group of girls look like a popular happy mainstream band who are well united and this shows in there body language and positioning and the fact they haven't been forced to stand like this as it is a natural photo and not taking is a studio- it looks spontaneous. It is a medium close up of this shot which allows the audience to see their facial expressions close enough without been zoomed in but it also provides a sense of unity through the positioning which the audience is able to see through this camera work.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
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